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What is IP networking & How does it work?

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Have you ever heard about the term IP networking? Or better ask, are you familiar with the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the devices in your home? If yes, then we’re good to keep going! In this article, you will know what IP Networking is and how it works.

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What is IP networking?

Well, IP Networking is the linking of computers, enabling them to operate interactively. It involves several layers of an interface and routing a network or between or across multiple networks via their unique internet protocols.


How does IP Networking work?

A Wide Area Network (WAN) links several Local Area Networks (LANs) that enable it to share data packs which makes it possible for devices under the same Local Area Network (LAN) to transmit relevant information. Through IP Networking, the network enables access for one computer to use the internet to communicate with others by directly sharing information through the use of their unique IP Addresses. 


Three types of IP addresses in a Network:


  • Host Address. This is the unique address used in devices within a network. 


  • Network Address. Network Address is used for the identification of the host address/es. It takes the first part of the IP address. 


  • Broadcast Address. This address is used to transmit data or information to all devices connected to a multiple-access communications network. It is used for addressing all the nodes in the network at the same time. 


This is a simple example and representation of how IP networking works in your own household via your own LAN connections. This networking and subnetting enable data sharing and communication across devices under one Local Area Network (LAN) with their unique IP address. An IP address allows devices to locate and transmit data to another device/s.

It’s like sending mail to a friend. There has to be a location of the sender of the mail and a location of where and who will receive the mail. Your IP Address and the IP Address of the devices in your network will help the devices know and identify which and what data is to be transmitted to which device under the Network. 


How is IP Network important to commercial operations?

IP Networking is used to communicate faster and more efficiently within a shared network in a company or any private organization. It also makes data access and sharing more accessible and safe. To add, IP Networking will help you keep your data and sharing safer from viruses that can corrupt your important data and to mischievous hackers. 

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