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Write for Us

 How Can You Contribute with Us?

We welcome submissions from tech writers, bloggers, and experts. IPSpecialist is a trusted, influential, and informative IT media portal that covers the entire web hosting, data center, cloud computing, cybersecurity, software development, and reseller industry. We always seek freelance and guest writers who share well-researched, well-written insights, opinions, and content. Working with IPSpecialist is always quick and easy. They understand the industry and what makes a story newsworthy and help us increase traffic because of their reach with the relevant audience.
IPSpecialist accepts submissions in the following categories:

  • Artificial Intelligence(AI)
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Networking

Benefits of Publishing a Guest Post on the IPS Website

  • Get Quality Traffic
  • Develop Online Influence
  • Gain Subscribers
  • Build Domain Authority
  • Improve Credibility
  • 1-Year Post 
  • Improve SEO
  • Enhance Brand Awareness and Exposure
  • Promotion on Social Media

Submit Your Post

Before you submit, please remember that we may only be able to respond to some submissions due to the volume of posts we receive.

Guest Post Guidelines

Our Audience

Our blog caters to growth marketers, entrepreneurs, agencies, and e-commerce brands, focusing on growth hacking, word-of-mouth marketing, and going viral.

What to Write About?

Our readers enjoy reading about organic business growth. The editorial team usually prioritizes any content that serves this purpose.

What We Expect
  • Our readers expect well-written, thought-provoking content. Only articles that are written exist.
  • Articles should be between 1000 and 2000 words in length. If you have a specific topic, you can send it in a shorter one.
  • Please write about topics in which you are an expert. Articles must be well-researched, and your knowledge of relevant topics must be evident.
  • Please include clear headings, subheadings, contextual images/gifs, and captions for each.
  • Please supplement your content with as many examples as possible. A good example can sometimes do much more for an article than a whole paragraph.
  • The article should be original, free of plagiarism, and have never been published elsewhere.
  • The article should be of interest to our IT audience.
  • There must be no grammatical mistakes.
  • It should be Qualitative, Original and Non-sponsored
  • The images used should be high resolution and properly credited/accounted for.
  • Include relevant examples from the context in your draught and their sources. Before submitting the article, conduct extensive research on the subject.
What Gets Rejected

We had to reject the following submissions:

  • Are either too short (blurb-length) or too long (novel-length) for publication.
  • They are not written in English or English that the general public does not understand. Please make sure to proofread your post before submitting it.
  • Contain elements that violate our publishing policies.
  • Are discovered to have been plagiarized, copied, or spun from another source.
What we look for
  • Guest post contributions that are successful should be comprehensive, data-driven, interesting, and educational.
  • It is a timely, well-researched post (ideally 1000+ words) with actionable advice.
  • It is unique and unpublished. We will not republish anything that has already been published somewhere else.
  • Only claims supported by links to credible research or case studies are included. Avoid mentioning our competitors and using any irrelevant website promotional links.
  • Subheadings, bullet points, and shorter paragraphs make the article more readable.
How to get Published on IPSpecialist Website

All submissions will be subjected to an internal review, and here are some factors that will help us decide which posts to publish.

What Gets Approved

If you want to write for us:

  • Cite and link to credible sources and resources that can back up the claims and ideas.
  • Use relatable examples to help readers visualize the message you are trying to convey.
  • Determine the post’s target audience and write with them in mind.
  • Include images that complement the post’s content.
Remember to run a Format Check
  • Please submit posts in plaintext, HTML, or DOC (or equivalent formats).
  • Make certain that the post has a complete title.
  • JPG format is required for all images.
  • All images must be accompanied by a credit line that links directly to their source page, not just the website.
  • Ensure that any images in the submission are copyrighted or free to use.
  • Please ensure that image files are named in lowercase and hyphenated (rather than underscored or with spaces).
  • The images should be in the highest resolution possible to avoid blurring when published.

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